Resident shop cat (Bernie) FAQ’s

Will the real Bernie please stand up?! Our resident shop cat (and us) are loving this Bernie look alike bobblehead - the latest addition recently gifted to us that we couldn’t wait to display 🐾 

This special dude has amassed quite a collection of cool items made in his honor - tote bags, stickers, hats, shirts, and artwork (with more fun stuff coming soon). We love the ways our community shows their love for this weird fellow 🧡 

We get lots questions about Bernie at the shop, so figured we’d take some time to answer a few FAQ’s:

‼️When can I visit Bernie at the shop?
Bernie is on the clock at the shop Wednesdays + Fridays

‼️Does Bernie live at the shop?
No, Bernie lives at home with Rebecca and his dog brother, Duke. He happily jumps in his carrier for car rides to and from work

‼️Can I pet Bernie or give him treats? 
Absolutely! He loves making new friends and especially loves when folks give him treats. We’ve got a special stash of his favorites behind the counter - just ask and we’ll hook you up! 

‼️What is Bernie’s favorite item in the store?
Definitely a toss up between our catnip mustaches and our mirrors. He LOVES mirrors and can always be found performing a QA check on new mirrors coming into the shop 

‼️Does Bernie have favorite spots at the shop?
His ultimate favorite spot is napping in his bucket bed on the counter - it’s the prime location for snoozing and pets! Outside of the counter, you can find Bernie in a sunshine filled spot (moves with the sunshine throughout the day) or in one of our drawers behind the counter for some uninterrupted time 💤 

‼️How old is Bernie?
He’s 8!

Have more burning questions about Bernie? Please let us know! 🐾 

#lifeofashopcat #shopcat #themustachecat #faq#berniethecat


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